Working the Smart Way
How do leading companies manage to be at the forefront of the market? Today, it is essential to attract the right talent, build up productive networks and create a working environment in which employees can exploit their own potential.
For this New World of Work – work 4.0 – there are three core areas of action:
- People: Workstyle, leadership, culture of trust
- Place: Workplace, with a freedom of choice where to work within a multizone concept for optimal performance
- Process: The interconnected company with self-organisation and decentralized, global intelligence, lean processes and the latest ICT technology. In the future, the knowledge worker will work anytime, anywhere and anyhow, based on a MbO process.
The workplace should be used and not owned; We need perfect workplaces for researching, producing, concentrating, communicating, learning and resting. Today's rigid structures are hardly suitable as a driving force for innovation, communication and teamwork.
Office design with Artificial Intelligence (AI)